Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mori’s Monster 2 Day Per Week Squat Program

By: Robert Mori
Released: February 14th 2013
Released by: MuscleandBrawn

When you use this squat cycle, remember that the whole point is to build up your squats. I squatted heavy 2 times a week (Monday and Fridays).This routine is going to force your muscle to grow and your squat to get stronger, while also building somw cardiovascular conditioning into your workouts.
In this routine you are given leeway with the rest between sets, due to the fact that you are using a higher number of reps per set.

In this squat routine there are going to be 3 phases. You will work through each phase before testing for a new one rep max. In Phase I you will be working with 5 sets of 5 reps. Phase II you will be using 5 sets of 3, while in Phase III you will be using 5 singles.After the end of Phase III you will be taking a deload day, then going to test for a 1 rep max. Phase I you want to start with 65-75% Range for the first cycle.
If you’re a 500lb squatter you want to start with 325lbs on the bar for working sets. The first three sets may feel easy, but the last two are going to be the worst to do.

Day 1                              Day 2
Working sets
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
As you seen above, I only increase the weight by 10lbs per day for Phase I. When you no longer can complete the last two sets of any of the 5 reps, this is when we will start Phase II.
Day 8                    Day 9
Working Sets
385×5                   395×3
385×5                   395×3
385×3                   395×3
385×4                   395×3
385×2                   395×3
In Phase II you will stick with 10lbs increases each day until Phase III. In Phase III you are going to increase by only 5lbs each day. This is going to help build your strength over the next couple weeks till we go test our new One Rep Max.
Day 17             Day 18          Day 22
Working sets
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×1              470×1           490×1
465×1              470×1           490×1
When you no longer can hit all the singles, you want to take a deload day before attempting a Personal Record.
Day 23(Deload day)       day 24
Working sets
225×5                      PR Attempt(10-20lbs)
Firstly Congrats on your new PR. If you choose to do a 2nd cycle of the Squat Routine, up the weight by 15-30lbs on the starting weight

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