Thursday, 11 April 2013

Routine By Steve Shaw of Muscle and Brawn

Created By: Steve Shaw
Link: Muscle And Brawn Full Body

Squat 3 x 20 rep goal
Close Grip bench 3 x 20 rep goal
Dumbbell Row 3 x 20 rep goal
Barbell Curl 3 x 25 rep goal
Abs exercise 3 sets

Deadlift 3 ramping sets, 8 rep goal
Military Press Variation 3 x 20 rep goal
Pull Ups 3 x max
Dips 3 x max
Calf Exercise 3 x 25 rep goal

Squat 1 x 20 reps
Bench Press 3 x 20 rep goal
Barbell/Pendlay Row 3 x 20 rep goal
Dumbbell Curl 3 x 25 rep goal
Abs exercise 3 sets

"Rep goals" - use the same weight for these sets. Push, but stop a set when your form goes bad or you feel like you will fail on the next rep.

When you can hit the rep goal total for the 3 sets, add weight the next time you perform that lift.

For example...bench press. You use 155 pounds and your 3 sets look like:

155 x 8 reps
155 x 6 reps
155 x 5 reps

That's 19 total reps...shy of your rep goal. Next week you perform:

155 x 9 reps
155 x 7 reps
155 x 5 reps

That's 21 reps! Your rep goal was 20. Time to add weight.

Let me know if there are any exercises you can't do.

The key with this workout is to always push yourself on every set (safely with good form), and to always add weight when you hit your rep goals.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mori's 7 week 5x5 Program

By: Robert Mori
Released: March 6th 2013
Released at: MuscleandBrawn

In this Article of Mori's 7 week 5x5 program, I will break down the routine split and assistance work. For thsi routine we are going to start at 75% of your 1 rep max(1RM) for all 3 of the major lifts; which also inclueds shoulder press. This routine is split into 4 days during the week. you will be having to bench 2 times a week, one day is 5x5 then the other day is Rep work/Form work. Your Squat and dead lift will be split up.

Sunday: Bench 5x5
Monday: Squat 5x5
Wednesday: Shoulder Press 5x5 Bench 2nd day
Friday: Dead lift 5x5

I chose the following day's because it works with most sport athletes. Most Games athletes play are usually on the weekend. The split that I used above really helps because when game day rolled around my legs were all rested up. As I stated above we are going to start with only 75% of our 1RM.

                              Bench                     Squat               DeadLift
Week 1                 275lbs                     360lbs               375lbs                      *Note: Bench max: 365lbs
Week 2                 280lbs                     370lbs               385lbs                                  Squat max: 480lbs
Week 3                 285lbs                     380lbs               395lbs                                  Dead max: 500lbs
Week 4                 290lbs                     390lbs               405lbs
Week 5                 295lbs                     400lbs               415lbs
Week 6                 300lbs                     410lbs               425lbs
Week 7                           PR Attempt Week

As you seen above I added 5 lbs to the upper body and 10lbs to the lower body. I found this very effective when training all year around and there is nodeload beacause there is a week before you repeat the lift. Week 7 is were you will attempt a Personal Record. I usually recommend attempting +5lb PR just incase you are not at 100% but its really up to you.

I would like to say congrats on your new Personal Records across the board. When you chose to restart the program you want to add 10lbs to the upper body and 20lbs to the lower body for the week 1 weight you started with.

                Bench                      Squat              Dead Lift
Week 1   280lbs                       380lbs               395lbs      
There are certin lifts that are required to be done for assistance.

For Example:
Triceps                    Biceps
JM Pressing          Hammer Curls
Tate Pressing        Seated Curls
Push Downs

When we look at assistance work, I want to utilize my upper back when my Biceps are not tired. When working the Triceps and Biceps we want to use Isolation exercises. I never liked to do my Biceps and Upper back on the same day. When it came time to do pull ups my biceps were to tired, so i used the following split below to get the most out of my body.

Sunday: Triceps/Upper Back
Monday: Hamstring
Wednesday: Biceps/Lats

How to Fix the Squating Woes

by: Robert Mori
Released: February 6th 2013
Released by: MuscleandBrawn

Since the early times of squatting there has been many articles on how to boost your squat. In the past two years I have serached through many articles to fix my squat and to keep me progressing but to no prevaile . In this article I will be writing how you can fix your squat form, and I will also write on how to keep progressing through the "Down" time. I will start with explaining on how you can check depth while working hard and not taking any reps off; then I will go into explaining the "Golden" Squat rule.

I am going to start on fixing the squat form. The first thing to do to fix your Squats are warm up and loosen the hips and glutes, these two areas can cost you three white lights at a meet. Here is a tip on how I was able to loosen up. I started doing swinging kicks for the hips then I would move to glute streching to loosen up the "Bum". By allowing your hips and glutes to loosen up, it will make reaching depth a lot easier later on down the strech. Now on to Squatting, what I did to check my squat depth was use a box. You want to set up a box for below parallel; so when you end up feeling the box on the hamstrings and/or glutes you will be at parallel. You do not want to sit or rest on the box, the box is just there for you to get a feel for depth.

When you feel the box on the hamstrings and glutes you can start to go back up. You tipically want to end up using the box for 3 to 5 months in training, so you will end up getting used to feeling where parallel should be. After 3 to 5 months of using the Box to squat you should then proceed to take the box away and begin squatting to the same feeling of depth. If you are second guessing your self on your depth you should video tape your squats, so then you will know if you make it past parallel.

I recommand using the camera the whole time squatting, because checking squat depth can be difficult at first. For a camera it can be as simple as an Ipod to the new IPRO they have on the market, it really does not matter unless you are releasing youtube videos. This simple tip has been under estimated by all the squat articles out there on the planet. I believe it is the key to sucesse for squat big weight. We all started by using something to check our depth, but you will never see it in any beginner articles/books on how to squat. People have asked me how can I build my squat up, I usually just tell them the Golden Rule of Squatting.

The Golden rule has being around for ever and is the answer to all your squatting problems, and the answer is MORE SQUATS. Can you believe it? all you got to do to fix the squat problem is More squats. There is no complex scheme or system that you can use or find that will build your squat woes up. There are assistance work that you can do to help maintain the progression, but not to rejump start your progression on the squat. In my next article which will be released later in the year, I will write up my Squat routine I used to restart my Squat progress.

Mori’s Monster 2 Day Per Week Squat Program

By: Robert Mori
Released: February 14th 2013
Released by: MuscleandBrawn

When you use this squat cycle, remember that the whole point is to build up your squats. I squatted heavy 2 times a week (Monday and Fridays).This routine is going to force your muscle to grow and your squat to get stronger, while also building somw cardiovascular conditioning into your workouts.
In this routine you are given leeway with the rest between sets, due to the fact that you are using a higher number of reps per set.

In this squat routine there are going to be 3 phases. You will work through each phase before testing for a new one rep max. In Phase I you will be working with 5 sets of 5 reps. Phase II you will be using 5 sets of 3, while in Phase III you will be using 5 singles.After the end of Phase III you will be taking a deload day, then going to test for a 1 rep max. Phase I you want to start with 65-75% Range for the first cycle.
If you’re a 500lb squatter you want to start with 325lbs on the bar for working sets. The first three sets may feel easy, but the last two are going to be the worst to do.

Day 1                              Day 2
Working sets
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
325×5                          335×5
As you seen above, I only increase the weight by 10lbs per day for Phase I. When you no longer can complete the last two sets of any of the 5 reps, this is when we will start Phase II.
Day 8                    Day 9
Working Sets
385×5                   395×3
385×5                   395×3
385×3                   395×3
385×4                   395×3
385×2                   395×3
In Phase II you will stick with 10lbs increases each day until Phase III. In Phase III you are going to increase by only 5lbs each day. This is going to help build your strength over the next couple weeks till we go test our new One Rep Max.
Day 17             Day 18          Day 22
Working sets
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×3              470×1           490×1
465×1              470×1           490×1
465×1              470×1           490×1
When you no longer can hit all the singles, you want to take a deload day before attempting a Personal Record.
Day 23(Deload day)       day 24
Working sets
225×5                      PR Attempt(10-20lbs)
Firstly Congrats on your new PR. If you choose to do a 2nd cycle of the Squat Routine, up the weight by 15-30lbs on the starting weight